Ep. 44 | The Mindset Keeping you Poor (3 Ways to Escape the Money Trap of Bad Debt)
Financial Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) can lead you to making risky and uninformed decisions without considering serious consequences and having a smart plan. Let’s face it, there are plenty of forces stimulating fear and hype and as we head towards a long overdue recession financial risks are going to compound fast. If you’re not […]
Ep. 45 | 5 Habits Keeping you STUCK & 5 Ways to Get UNSTUCK
If you’re feeling stuck there are a number of habits that you might be unintentionally doing. In this video I share 5 common habits that hold you back and 5 practical ways to get unstuck. RESEARCH: 1. Przybylski, Andrew K.; Murayama, Kou; Dehaan, Cody R.; Gladwell, Valerie (July 2013). “Motivational, emotional, and behavioral correlates of […]
Ep. 46 | How Hustle Culture Hurts You – 3 Way to Avoid Burnout
Hustle Culture (AKA Toxic Productivity) has become somewhat of a badge of honor. While at times it makes sense to sacrifice and work extra hard, it rarely is a smart long term strategy. My husband and I run a fast growing global business that helps big corporates improve the performance of their employees sustainably. So […]
3 Habits Killing your Confidence
I wanted to take a moment to share something so important that it can completely change the course of your life: Overcoming self-doubt. What’s interesting is that we weren’t born with self-doubt. We learned it. So, why do I think it’s important enough to share with you? Well, we’ve all had that little voice in […]